10 Bad Health Effects of Skipping Your Breakfast

Many of us have the habit of skipping our breakfast. Over 31 million Americans skip their breakfast every single day. Some of the prominent reasons for this include morning rush, lack of hunger, and weight loss.

Most researchers and scientist agree to the fact that breakfast could very well be the most important meal of the day, which you should never skip for any reason. In this article we have listed 10 bad health effects you might be  triggering upon yourself by missing out your be triggering

1. Increase Risk of Diabetes Type 2

Skipping breakfast puts you at the higher risk of developing insulin resistance and leads to hormone imbalance. These factors paves way for type 2 diabetes and increases your chances for developing heart diseases.

2. Your Productivity Will Take a Hit

Not consuming breakfast means you are not maintaining your blood sugar levels properly. When you deprive your brains of glucose it will lead to mood swings, decreased energy levels and your productivity for the day will take a dive. This can lead to increased stress levels

3. You will crave for more snacks

If you are skipping your breakfast to lose weight, then you are making things much worse for yourself. Many studies have proved that people who skip breakfast increase their craving for unhealthy calories, snacks, and sugary beverages.

4. Your Immunity Goes Down

Your body goes on a long fast between dinner and breakfast, and during this time the energy in your immune cells take a dip. When you skip breakfast you are inducing more damage to your immune cells which means your ability to fight diseases and germs is going down.

5. You Will Develop Bad Breath

Naturally you tend to develop bad breath in the morning hours, but this is only going to get worse when you skip your breakfast. Why? Because you got nothing in your stomach in the morning hours to neutralize the bad odor.

6. Increase Your Chances for Obesity

Many studies have revealed that people who skip breakfast in the morning tend to gain weight more easily over those who don’t. This is because people who skip breakfast tend to develop more craving for sugar and unhealthy snacks.

7. Women Develop Irregular Periods

In a recent study published by the journal “Appetite” pointed out that female college students who regularly skipped breakfast experienced irregularities in the menstrual periods. Additionally, they also experienced elevated pain levels.

8. You Will Slow down the metabolism

Skipping an important meal of the day (breakfast) will signal your body that you are running short on calories. To make up for the loss your body will start to slow down the metabolism in order to compensate for the calorie limitation.

9. You Will Deprive Your Body of Essential Nutrients

Morning hours is when your body gets well prepared to absorb all the nutrients with increased acidic levels in your stomach and well concentrated bile fluid. Skipping the breakfast will miss the golden time frame when your body can absorb most nutrients in your food.

10. You Will Increase the Cortisol Levels

Your brain needs glucose to function properly, this need is supplied by your liver with stored glycogen. When you skip breakfast, liver will run short of glycogen, to make up for this shortage your body will increase cortisol levels, which in turn can pave way for insulin resistance.

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