Boosting your metabolism should be your primary goal when it comes to weight loss. One of the best and safe way to boost your metabolism is through exercise. However, without proper diet to support your daily workouts, the amount of energy and will power you put into the exercise will go in drain.
Just like exercise, there are certain foods which you can include in your daily diet that will increase the rate at which you burn calories and fat, in other words, increase your body’s metabolism. When you include these foods into your regular diet to complement your workout plans, you will definitely start to notice some substantial results over time.
Keep in mind that there are several fat-burning supplements available in the market right now, that makes promises that are too good to be true. If you feel these promises are too good to be true, they probably are. Additionally, some or most of these supplements contains chemical compounds that are either unsafe for prolonged use or ineffective or both.
Here the list of foods that helps you to boost your metabolism and aids you in burning fat.
1. Fatty Fish
Unlike their name, fatty fishes are great for weight loss and burning fat. Fatty fishes like salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel etc… are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to protect your heart from heart diseases. Additionally, it also helps your body to shed those unwanted extra pounds of fat.
Fatty fish is a great source of safe and high-quality protein. Consuming protein will greatly improve your body’s metabolism and the rate at which your body digests fat or carbohydrates.
Doctors recommend consuming fatty fish at least twice a week.
2. Black Coffee
Most of us just love coffee, its aroma is just irresistible and it helps you greatly to get through your stressful routine at work.
One of the main reason for coffee’s ability to boost your mood is the presence of caffeine in it. Many studies strongly link caffeine with its ability to improve mental and physical performance.
In a study that involved a small group of people (about 10) showed that people who consumed caffeine 60 minutes before their exercise burned nearly two times more fat and were able to exercise 17% longer than the other group which did not consume any caffeine.
Caffeine also increases the your metabolism by nearly 13%.
Increased intake of caffeine however, comes with its own set of side effects such as increase in anxiety, insomnia, stress levels etc… Many researchers advice to aim for 100 to 400mg of caffeine intake per day, which would amount to 1 to 4 cups of coffee a day to stay away from these side effects.
Note: Avoid taking coffee with milk. Black coffee is the best choice if you want to lose weight.
3. Boiled Eggs
Many people try to avoid foods because they feel that eggs are loaded with cholesterol content.
Cholesterol however is not directly responsible for causing any harm to your body or to your heart. It is in fact helps to protect the heart’s heart in those affected by heart disease.
Other than protecting the heart, eggs are great for increasing your body’s metabolism as well.
It is a wonderful source of quality protein and has been found to elevate your body’s metabolism by nearly 35%!
Researchers believe its calorie burning effect in the body is one of the main reasons why eggs feel so filling.
Try to include one or two boiling eggs to your daily meals, to keep your body’s metabolism going strong. However, avoid raw or half boiled eggs as they might contain harmful bacterias which can put you in the back foot.
4. Green Tea
Green Tea is quickly becoming one of the popular beverage of choice for most health conscious people.
Many people across the globe are replacing their cup of coffee or tea with a cup of green tea. This is mainly due to its boosted popularity and its role in weight loss.
Studies suggest that regular consumption of green tea reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.
Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine and it is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a chemical compound that is believed to be the reason behind its fat burning properties.
While there are contrasting outcomes in different research studies on green tea, many people who consume it on a regular basis stand by its benefits with regards to weight loss.
You can consume up to 4 cups of green tea a day to maximize the benefits.
5. Coconut Oil
There are mixed thoughts in people’s minds when it comes to coconut oil. Some studies suggest that it increases the cholesterol levels in your body and elevates the risk of heart disease. While some other studies suggesting exactly the opposite.
A recent study revealed that obese men who took about two tablespoon of coconut oil everyday lost around 1 inch of their waist lines without making any change in their diet or the level of physical activity.
Many studies links coconut oil to increase in the levels of good cholesterol which benefits your heart health and helps you to lose weight.
Researchers claim that coconut oil has metabolism boosting effects. However, regular consumption is believed to decrease this effect over time.
Unlike most cooking oils in your kitchen, coconut oil can withstand high temperatures without loosing its basic structure and remain stable. This property of coconut oil makes it a healthy option while cooking foods in high flame.
Consume about two tablespoons of coconut oil everyday along with your meals to reap its benefits.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar plays a main role in many folk remedies from the past. Recent studies on ACV confirmed its health benefits.
Apple cider vinegar is loaded with acetic acid, and it increases the acidic levels of your stomach acid. This helps in increasing the rate at which your stomach fluids digests the foods you consume. Additionally, there are studies that proved acetic acid’s fat burning property.
Its good effects doesn’t end with just fat burning and increasing metabolism, it also helps to regulate the insulin levels in your body and thereby directly aids people with diabetes to keep their condition under control.
Mix one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass or warm or normal water and drink it on empty stomach every morning before breakfast.
7. Chili Peppers
Chili peppers play a vital role in Indian and Asian cuisine in general due to its hot taste. However, chili peppers do more than just adding heat to your food.
They contain a compound called capsaicin which is believed to be an antioxidant and protects your body cells from damage.
In addition to protecting your cells, it helps you to maintain healthy weight by preventing you from eating more food by promoting fullness.
Capsaicin is also believed to help you to burn more calories and fat by reducing your overall appetite for food.
Use few teaspoons of powdered chili peppers to your foods to spice it up on a regular basis. If possible try to consume small portions of recipes that prominently use chili peppers several times a week.
8. Oolang Tea
Oolang tea is probably less appreciated over green tea. However its health benefits are almost identical or even better than green tea itself.
It contains caffeine and catechins, a combination of which has been proved to increase your body’s ability to burn calories and fats.
Drink three to four cups of tea to promote fat loss along with gathering all other health benefits it offers.
9. Full Fat Greek Yogurt
Full fat greek yogurt is rich in protein, potassium and calcium. Additionally, it contains a compound called conjugated linoleic acid, which is believed to promote weight loss and fat burning in over weight and obese people.
Some research suggest that greek yogurt helps in protecting muscle mass during weight loss, and help you to feel full and satisfied.
Include full fat greek yogurt in your regular diet. Ensure you are getting plain and non-flavored type. Also, low or no-fat variety contain little to no conjugated linoleic acid.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil is perhaps one of the best oils in terms of health there is.
There are concrete evidences and studies that revealed olive oil’s ability to increase good cholesterol levels in the body by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol.
Some studies show that olive may boost your body’s metabolism and its ability to burn fat and calories. Additionally, consuming olive oil leaves you with a feeling of fullness for longer time period and reducing your desire for binge eating.
Incorporate olive oil into your regular diet. pour some over your salads or add it as a topping to your cooked foods.