10 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Haemorrhoids Naturally

It bleeds, burns, and itches, hemorrhoids can get really embarrassing and painful at the same time. Probably one more thing that is more irritating than hemorrhoids is the TV commercials on hemorrhoid relief products that promise instant and quick relief from the condition.

There are many over the counter products for hemorrhoids, this includes creams, pads, ointments, and suppositories. As a rule of thumb choose a product that doesn’t have any ingredients ending in “Caine”. Doctors claim, these products contain an anesthetic that brings in immediate relief, however, if put to regular use it can become counterproductive and increase your irritation.

Before you head out to the nearby drug store to look for an over the counter solution, give these home remedies a try and they might just bring you that miraculous relief you have been looking for.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen or varicosed veins in and around your rectal opening. It can cause pain, itching, and on some occasions lead to bleeding as well.

There are two types to it, internal and external hemorrhoids.

Out of these two internal hemorrhoids are most common and it occurs deep inside the anus. It can cause bleeding but has no pain.

External hemorrhoids are more painful, and they can lead to bleeding as well.

Both these types of hemorrhoids can turn into a prolapsed hemorrhoids which can be easily identified by its appearance. It is a soft lump that protrudes from the anus.

There are many contributing factors for the hemorrhoids which include a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, bad diet, lifting heavy objects, aging, and many more.

obesity, diarrhea, strain from coughing, sneezing, pressure from lifting heavy weight, and constipation can aggravate the existing condition and make it worse.

Sitz Bath Method

Fill up your bathtub with four to five inches of warm water and be seated in it with your knees in a raised position. This increases exposure to your rectal opening. Within a few minutes, you should be able to feel relief from your pain and irritation in and around the area.

You can step up the relief by adding a handful of Epsom salt to the warm water. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved before taking the plunge.

This remedy helps by increasing the blood flow to the area and in doing so it constricts the varicosed veins.

Warm Tea Bag

For external hemorrhoid place a warm and wet tea bag on the spot. You can do this while sitting privately in your bedroom or do it in your toilet. Tea leaves contain tannic acid, which has an astringent property and soothes pain and swelling. This treatment also helps to stop bleeding as the tannic acid promotes blood clotting.

Saddle up on Ice

Get an ice pack and wrap it around using a clean cloth. Sitting over the ice pack brings in much-needed relief to pain and irritation. Additionally, it constricts the swollen vessels. You can take up to 20 minutes per session and can be repeated as many times as you like. Make sure you give at least a 10-minute break between two consecutive sessions.

Ice cold will numb down your sensory nerves and this temporarily blocks the pain signal that reaches your brain and makes you feel better almost instantly.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains tannins, and it helps to contract the swollen blood vessels and reduce stress and strain on the nerves, reducing the pain.

Soak in a cotton ball in undistilled witch hazel and dab it over the hemorrhoids. Do this twice or thrice a daily to find relief.


Vaseline is one of the main ingredients in many of the over the counter solutions for hemorrhoids. Dab a little Vaseline over the rectal area multiple times a day.

Vitamin-E and Wheat-germ oil

vitamin-E liquid and wheat germ oil are well known to be very effective against hemorrhoid pain, and irritation. Dab these solutions over your hemorrhoids tea times every day for best results.

Raw Potato Poultice

This might sound crazy but it actually works really well to relieve the tension over the stressed out veins due to its astringent property. Grate some fresh raw potato and apply it over the anus area for a few minutes. Do this once or twice every day to bring in much-needed relief.

High-Fiber Diet

Many studies have shown fiber-rich diet helps a lot to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids which includes relief from pain, irritation, and bleeding. Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet to relieve stress from your gut and also your hemorrhoid.

Some good sources of fiber include whole grain breads, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, and nuts.

It is also necessary to drink plentiful water when consuming foods rich in fiber to prevent constipation. A good indicator that you are drinking enough fluids is your urine color. Pale yellowish colored urine means you are drinking just the right amount.

Do not hold up

If you have the urge to use the toilet you have to head for it instead of waiting. The longer you wait for the more trouble you invite by increasing your chances of constipation.

When you have constipation, you have to strain more and this increases your chances for hemorrhoids or worsens your existing condition.

Vicks Vaporub

This is a popular remedy that’s been pitched in multiple sources on the internet. There is not much info regarding its effectiveness to relieve hemorrhoids. However, it doesn’t hurt to try. Rub some outside your rectal area.

Limit your sitting

If your work demands you to be seated all day long, take a five-minute break every hour or so. Standing up and a little walk will ease your pressure in the rectal area and ease hemorrhoids.

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