Birth Control: 13 Most Effective Ways to Stop Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the greatest gifts in a woman’s life. But, pregnancy at the wrong time can be disastrous as well. There is very little awareness among people regarding birth control methods. Additionally, there are also wrong beliefs and misunderstandings that surround birth control. Some people even consider using it as a sin. While others see pregnancy as a hindrance in their sexual life. These wrong beliefs and thought process only increase the problems related to it.

Surgery is the first thing that hits many people’s minds once they hear the word birth control. Moreover, many people think it is just applicable to women, and men need not have to go through this process.

Pregnancy can be stopped without any surgery. In this article, we will go through different methods and types of birth control that are in practice at present.

Types of birth control

Temporary methods

Long duration birth control methods

Permanent Methods

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