14 Myths and Reality About Weight Loss Methods

Regular exercise is irreplaceable for a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body. Exercises help with weight loss, burning fat deposits, and removing excess fat content in the body. There are many belief’s regarding weight loss and exercise routine. Most of their beliefs are just myths or superficial ones. In this article, we will throw some light on the subject, so that you get better clarity when you proceed with your weight loss ambitions.

Myth: Excessive fat in the body is the main reason for obesity and overweight.

Reality: Fat is not the sole reason for weight gain or obesity. Fat deposits differ with the size of the internal organs. Apart from fat, bones, muscles, water content in the body are all contributing factors for overweight and obesity.

Myth: Weighing machines helps to know the level of fat in the body.

Reality: Weighing machine weighs the entire body. It doesn’t measure the level of fat separately. You should not use the weighing machine to measure the level of fat burned during your workouts. You can only measure how much weight you reduced through your exercise routine.

Myth: Working out for longer time period will make you lose weight fast

Reality: Each and every exercise has its own set of benefits and disadvantages as well. For example, aerobic exercises will make you reduce only the fat content in the body. An adult male needs around 1600 calories per day. And if you burn around 400 calories in your workout and you supply your body with 1400 calories through food it accounts for 1400 – 400 = 1000 calories. The deficient 600 calories will be taken from the reserve fat deposit present in the body. This leads to calorie deficiency in your body. This reduces the energy level. So you should not overdo your exercises. This will make you feel more tired instead of feeling energetic after a workout.

Myth: You can reduce weight through the severe and aggressive diet plan.

Reality: You can reduce the body weight and fat levels through your diet. But, severe and aggressive diets can make your body deprived of vital nutrients it needs for its proper functioning. Though you can reduce a considerable level of weight through these diets pretty rapidly, it is a temporary one. Right, and well-balanced food is the best way to attain a healthy body. Thin body frame doesn’t necessarily make you a healthy person.

Myth: Avoiding fat-rich food and eating foods in lesser quantity will make you lose weight.

Reality: This is a wrong idea. This varies with person to person. People with thyroid, metabolic, and hormone problems will not lose any weight even if they eat very little food.

Myth: You can keep your weight under control just be doing exercises

Reality: Apart from regular exercise, changing our lifestyle to be more physically inclined over depending on machines, vehicles, and technology will help you to maintain a healthy body weight. For example, you can use stairs instead of lift or escalator at your office or shopping malls. You can walk to nearby local grocery shops instead of using your car or bike to reach there.

Myth: You can reduce the fat level only in the particular region of your body

Reality: You cannot possibly reduce fat like that. But with specific workout and exercise, you can reduce deposition in all body parts gradually. For example, our cheeks are the main indicator of the level of fat deposition in our body. After that, fat deposition in the hands, legs, and other body parts will start to slim down slowly and steadily. But you can never burn off fat present only in the specific spot.

Myth: You can burn and dissolve fat through medications and pills.

Reality: You can burn fat through exercise and right diet plan. But, in the recent past, there is an increased number of supplements and tablets that promise weight loss. These products don’t burn or dissolve the fat content in your body. On the contrary, it prevents further deposition of fat in the body. It suppresses your hunger and appetite for food. At the same time, this can lead to many serious side effects. These tablets and pills can damage your internal organs and lead to organ failures.

Myth: You need to consume more protein-rich food if you exercise regularly.

Reality: Eating protein-rich foods after workouts will build your muscles. But overdoing it can lead to kidney problems. So keep your protein intake under control, too much of protein can damage your body instead of repairing the damaged cells. So keep this in mind.

Myth: Cardio machines will measure the number of calories burned by you.

Reality: Burned calories will be measured based on age, health condition, BMI, and sex. So differences in these values will alter the level of burned calories during a workout. Some machines do not consider the body weight or sex. So cardio machines need not be accurate with its measurements.

Myth: You can burn fat content in your body through exercise and food.

Reality: This varies with person to person. For example, some people will follow low fat and high protein diet. And they will keep complaining about the lack of weight loss through their diet. Reason for this could be their thyroid and hormone problems.

Myth: When you sweat a lot, it means you have done a hard workout.

Reality: Our body releases sweat when our body gets warmed up. This is a natural cooling mechanism of our body. Sweating can lead to loss of water content in our body and this will lead to the feeling of thirst. There is no link between this mechanism and exercise. The only reason for sweat is body heat. Level of sweat varies with different individuals.

Myth: You should not eat before a workout.

Reality: You should not eat before and after a workout session. Fat content in the food you eat before and after a workout will settle down in your body. Additionally, this can affect the functioning of your internal organs. You can start your workout session two hours after your food. Else, you can have food one hour after your workout.

Myth: You should not workout in empty stomach

Reality: When you workout in empty stomach, your body will have an energy loss. This can lead to the feeling of dizziness and fainting. The sole reason for this is the lack of energy for the workout.

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