16 Ways How Sodas Destroys Your Body and Health

We just love the taste of sugary beverages, especially flavored sodas. These soda beverages are so addicting that we cannot think about replacing them with water. Unfortunately, sugary colas are not as good as it tastes for your health. Regular consumption of these beverages potentially puts your life and health at a big risk. 

1. Brain Damage

When mixed with a common food dye, the fake sweetener aspartame becomes toxic to brain cells and induces brain damage. 

2. Tooth Sensitivity

Phosphoric and citric acids alter pH balance in the mouth leading to permanent enamel erosion. This will make your teeth more sensitive to cold temperature and certain food items. 

3. Premature Aging

Phosphates and phosphoric acid increase the shelf life of colas, however, these compounds are well known to accelerate the aging process leading to premature aging. 

4. Causes Skin Rashes

There are some sodas on the market that contain brominated vegetable oil. This is one of the main chemical compound that is known to induce rashes and nerve disorders. 

5. Increases Risk of Acquiring Metabolic Syndrome

People who drink 1 or more sodas a day increase their chances of acquiring metabolic disease by nearly 36%, and risk of acquiring diabetes by a whooping 67%. 

6. Increase Risk for Breast Cancer

Several soda brands in the market use BPA coatings in their soda cans. This compound disrupts your hormone balance and increases risk for breast cancer in women. 

7. Diet Sodas Make You Put on More Weight

Unlike the popular belief, many studies have proved that regular consumption of diet sodas will actually make you put on more weight and increases your chances for obesity. 

8. Permanently Damages Your Arteries

Regular consumption of sweetened and flavored sodas will increase the triglycerides level in your body by 30%. Additionally, it hardens your arteries permanently damaging it. 

8. High Blood Pressure

Researchers claim that drinking sugary colas will almost immediately increase your blood pressure levels and lead to high blood pressure. 

9. Causes Kidney Stones

A recent study revealed that people who drink at least one or more sugary sodas a day increase their risk of developing kidney stones by nearly 33%. 

10. Increase Risk for Fatty Liver

You need not have to be an alcoholic to develop fatty liver. Drinking one can of soda a day continuously for 6 months increases your chances of developing fatty liver by up to 142%. 

11. Increase Chances for Prostate Cancer

Men who drink at least one sugary soda a day regularly increase their chances for developing prostate cancer by nearly 40% 

12. Increase Risk for Endometrial Cancer

Women who are past their menopause and who drink at least one soda a day increase their chances for acquiring endometrial cancer by 78%. 

13. Frequent Urination

Some studies point out to that drinking sugary colas have been linked to frequent trips to your bathroom at nights. Additionally, it increases chances for urinary tract infection. 

14. Increases Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

It is surprising to know that drinking two or more sugary sodas a day regularly increases your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by over 87%. 

15. Leads to Depression

Many research studies found out that adults who regularly drink sugary sodas increase their risk of depression by up to 36%. 

16. Makes You More Violent

A recent study revealed that students who drank five or more cans of soda per week are more likely to expression aggressive behaviors over those who didn’t. 

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