17 Simple Habits That Helps You To Lose Weight Fast

If you gained weight and do not know what to do, here I leave some weight loss tips and habits that you must purchase to avoid gaining weight and you’ll see that will help in the struggle to lose weight and regain your slim figure.

Habits to be learned:

1. Force yourself to eat sitting down. When you do standing or walking fast, ingest more food.

2. Do not eat fast, chew, if you do, you will feel full sooner and with less food. And never repeat!

3. Whenever possible, market after eating, so you have less temptation to buy things that are fattening.

4. Before buying food to make a detailed list of the things you need and stick to it.

5. After each meal is advisable to rest 15 minutes and then walk for three-quarters of an hour. An activity after a meal burn enough calories.

6. To feed the hungry at midmorning a handful of prunes, a glass of skim milk or a mini-sandwich with wholemeal bread is the thing.

7. If the media again or the afternoon snack eat an apple or prunes or dried apricots or other fruit to trick the stomach is good to keep the last portion in your mouth for a while.

8. While eating, they should not do another activity like watching TV or reading, this way you can concentrate on the taste and enjoy every bite. They tend to eat more when you mechanically.

9. When eating, it is advisable to rest your covered every three bites we eat. Break the rhythm to feeding and forced to eat less.

10. Cook only the amount needed for each meal and refrigerate what is not consumed.

11. You have to eat only two meals per meal: meat and passenger and a little cheese or fruit.

12. Divide the lunch and dinner into two parts. First eat the main meal (meat, vegetables, and pasta or rice) and salad. Two hours later, cheese or fruit, or both.

13. Enjoy every morsel as if it were the finest caviar. Eat slowly and savor small amounts. Another resource: imagine that rationed food and every bite is the last.

14. With a small amount of food can satisfy your appetite. Try an egg, a piece of cheese and a good salad. Loaves of bread are also used to relieve hunger.

15. After each meal, you have to sit for at least a quarter of an hour to bring the feeling of being satiated appetite. A meal eaten in haste, does not satisfy.

16. You must eat at times that you burn more calories. Chronobiology teaches that the body and decomposition vary by time of day. It is best to lighten the meal more than the breakfast, if you eat before going into business, spends calories. This does not happen if you eat before going to sleep.

17. Do not weigh yourself after a day of eating a lot. The next day can be compensated by a semi-diet based on vegetable broth low salt, water, and light aromatic tea or nonfat dairy products. The next day you can return to a normal diet.

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