20 Simple Ways to Prevent and Treat Traveler’s Diarrhea

Montezuma’s revenge, Delhi belly, Turkey trot, and Casablanca crud. Such colorful names give you a good idea of the misery to expect from traveler’s diarrhea, a disease that can spoil an expensive and eagerly anticipated vacation.

It was once believed to be caused by a change in water, indulgence in spicy foods, or too much sun. Not so anymore. Researchers have found specific bacteria to blame. These bugs take up residence in the upper intestine and produce toxins that cause fluids and electrolytes (minerals like sodium and potassium that help regulate many body functions) to be secreted in a watery stool.

If you visit nearly any developing country in Latin America, Africa, or Asia, you have got 30 to 50 percent chance of spending a few days in close contact with your bathroom. Less risky are countries such as southern Spain and Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Israel, where some 10 to 20 percent of tourists come down with traveler’s diarrhea. Posing the lowest risk are Canada and northern Europe.

Your actions, however, can help influence that risk. If you really want to try food from the local street vendor or insist on drinking tap water, you are increasing your chances of coming down with traveler’s diarrhea.

If you do get sick, it will probably last for two to four days, although some ten percent of cases can last for more than a week. And you may also experience as if the diarrhea weren’t enough – abdominal pain, cramps, gas, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, vomiting, fever, and bloody stools.

Most common is watery diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and a fever under 101 degrees Fahrenheit. If you actually get bacillary dysentery (caused by the Shigella bacteria), you will have a fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit, much more abdominal pain and cramping, and, often, blood in your stools.

The following are prevention and treatment options that can help save your vacation or business trip.

Prevention strategies

Here is what you can do to try to prevent a case of traveler’s diarrhea from spoiling your trip. A lot of if involved using your head about your eating or drinking.

Coping Tips

If, despite all your precautions, you still get sick, don’t despair. Simply follow the same instructions for diarrhea that you would at home:

Don’t be alarmed if your diarrhea waits until you get home to show up. If you have picked up a parasite like giardia, its appearance may be delayed. And some travelers relax their restrictions on the plane home – forgetting the food was prepared in the country they just left.
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