Top 20 Simple Tips to Prevent Cancer Recurrence

The very word cancer creates a sort of fear in everyone. But, cancer is completely curable when it is detected in its early stages, and the person affected by cancer can return to his normal healthy life after the completion of successful cancer treatment. People who came out of cancer will have more interest in keeping themselves more healthy. But, most of them do not have proper guidance on what they need to do to achieve it. In this article, we will look into vital things to do for people who successfully recovered from cancer.


Regular exercise plays a great role in keeping us healthy. Spending 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week to exercise will greatly improve the quality of life for cancer patients. They should avoid extreme workouts during the initial days of recovery. Climbing the steps, going for a casual walk in the evenings are the best exercises to start with.  Stretching and other exercises can be taken up after a couple of months with Doctor’s advice. Also, all the regular exercises should be initially monitored by an expert trainer, to ensure that it is done properly.

Following changes takes place within a few days of regular exercise.

Food Habits

Maintaining a healthy weight

After cancer treatment, there will be variations in body weight. It is necessary to maintain healthy body weight with respect to the height.

People who lost a lot of weight during the treatment must modify their diets accordingly to gain weight. On the contrary, people who put on more weight should take necessary measures to reduce it. At the maximum, they can try to lose 1 kg per week. Sudden to quick weight loss is not healthy for the body.

Give up smoking and drinking habits

Tobacco is a carcinogen, it will trigger cancer cell formation. So, quit smoking. Giving up smoke will reduce the chances of reoccurrence of cancer.

Alcohol alters the body’s metabolism, so drinking alcohol after cancer treatment is strictly prohibited.

Lifestyle Changes

For the attention of caretakers

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