Dangers of Multivitamin Supplements You Must Know

Before we proceed any further with this article, let me make one thing very clear. Natural and unprocessed foods are always the best source of vitamins and minerals over supplements. Some people have the habit of taking supplements whenever they feel weak, or when they are deprived of nutritious foods. But, is it a good practice? Can supplements and multivitamin pills be used as a source of energy? Who can consume these tablets? What is the actual purpose of these tablets?

What is multivitamin?

Vitamins and minerals play many vital roles in our wellbeing. We source them through our foods. But, when you fail to consume nutritious foods, you may experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Multivitamin supplements can help you in these situations. In other words, when you consume multivitamin tablets for a day, you get your essential dose of vitamins and minerals for that day.

What are the nutrients present in these tablets?

Multivitamin tablets contain two types of vitamins. They are fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.

Vitamin – A, D, E, K are fat soluble vitamins. Excessive intake of these vitamins can lead to many bodily ailments.

Vitamin – B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, and Vitamin-C are water soluble vitamins. Vegetables and Lentils are rich in this kind of vitamins. High levels of these vitamins are not a threat to your health, as they are easily expelled through your urine.

How to detect Vitamin Deficiency?

Who needs it?

For the attention of people who consume multivitamin tablets without Doctor’s direction

It is always best to consume these tablets with Doctor’s advice.

What are the effects of consuming multivitamin tablets without Doctor’s advice

How to acquire multivitamins through foods

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