One of the major consequences of not maintaining hygienic surroundings is mosquitoes. In a recent study conducted on Mosquitoes at Brisbane, Australia reveals that Mosquitoes plays a vital role in reducing our lifespan.
Dangers of Mosquito Repellents
Most of us need mosquito repellents on a daily basis to have a nice peaceful sleep. But, do you even know that these mosquito repellents ruin your health? Most of the products manufactured and marketed by a multinational company have “Warning” markings on their label. How many of us really spend the time to read the labels? We just purchase a product and use it without any knowledge of its workings. Our careless attitude towards the things we purchase on a daily basis becomes the main reason for our illness.
Mosquito Repellents
One the major ingredient of mosquito repellents is pyrethrum. Mosquito repellents come in different forms like coils, liquids, mats etc. These products make use of electricity or fire to release pyrethrum into the air either continuously or with short breaks to chase away and kill mosquitoes.
There are also mosquito repellents that make use of Allethrin. This chemical not only kills mosquitoes but it gets deposited on the walls of your lungs as toxins. On the long run, it will turn into a lung infection, cough, headache, many other health and breathing problems.
Though Mosquito repellents are harmful to our health, practically it is not possible for us to completely avoid it.
So these are some tips to people who regularly make use of mosquito repellents, on how to minimize its harmful effects.
Quick tips
- Mosquito repellents contain a chemical substance called N.N. Diethyl Metaculamide – DEET. This compound is what gets mixed with air through the smoke and repels the mosquitoes.
- Mosquito Spray and mats greatly affect the health of people suffering from Asthma. It will elevate their breathing problem.
- If a family member is affected by Asthma or lung infections, then other family members should avoid using mosquito repellents.
- People with sensitive skin and skin conditions should not use mosquito repellent creams.
- For some, mosquito creams can create itching sensation and irritation. These people should not use these creams as this can lead to other skin problems such as blisters, allergies etc.
- Mosquito repellent liquids can cause giddiness in some people. On the long run, it can affect our nervous system, cause eyesight and hearing problems. So do not keep these liquidators switched on all the time, use it only during the nights for few hours. Minimal use of these liquids will make it very safe for daily use.
- Chemicals used in the manufacturing of mosquito coils are more aggressive. Continuous exposure to its smoke leads to cold, cough, lung infection, breathing problems, throat infection, wheezing, eye irritation, heart pain, and many more health hazards. Pyrethrum present in these coils is extremely dangerous for our health.
- When you make use of Mosquito mats, allethrin, pyrethrin present in them will cause a continuous headache. It can also cause nausea and vomiting sensation.
- Mosquito repellents that are available in the spray form contain chemicals to increase its fragrance. These chemicals are extremely harmful to pregnant ladies and children. So keep it away from them or do not use it at all.
- You can use mild mosquito creams on kids, but it should be used only when it is really necessary that too in minimal quantity.
Natural ways to Chase Away Mosquitoes
- Kids and old age people can be made to wear full sleeve shirts to reduce the impact of mosquitoes to a certain degree.
- Install mosquito nets in windows and in doorways. Additionally, you can make use of mosquito bats to kill off mosquitoes that escape these barriers. But be cautious while using these bats as they transmit electricity.
- Mix Indian Borage extract to a little water and spray it around the house.
- Make a spray out of aloe vera juice and water. Use it to chase away mosquitoes.
- Make a paste out of mint leaves. Mix this paste with water and spray it around the house.
- Create a smoke out of dried eucalyptus leaves to keep away mosquitoes.
- Mix a little coconut oil with a little Neem oil and apply over your skin before going to sleep.
- Add a little water to garlic oil in a glass and keep it near the doorway
Further Reading: