9 Simple Laryngitis Remedies You Can Try At Home

If you suspect you got laryngitis then the best way to make it go away faster is to remain silent.

Do not talk too much, try to spend your time alone reading your favorite book or watching the movies you love.

When you strain your vocal cords too much, the condition can only get worse, and it can sometimes lead to bleeding.

Why do I have it?

Laryngitis is caused due to the inflammation of the larynx, which is a part of the windpipe that houses your vocal cords.

There is a number of reasons as to why you might have developed the condition. Some of the common reasons include overusing your voice, common cold, viral infections, smoking, allergies, insect bites, sinus infection, and exposure to irritants like dust or fumes.

As you look to remain silent as much as possible and giving your vocal cords the sufficient rest it needs, try out any of these remedies to soothe and heal your condition faster.

Resist your urge to cough

When you have hoarseness in your voice, it is normal for you to try to clear it up with a couple of coughs. However, this is not a good idea when you are going through laryngitis, as it can damage your vocal cords.

Whenever you feel the urge to cough, try to sip in some water or swallow some saliva to clear up the feeling.

Drink enough warm water

Warm water is not only soothing for your sore throat, but it also helps to keep it in moist condition, which is very critical when you are trying to speed up the healing process.

Doctors recommend drinking at least seven to nine glasses of warm or lukewarm water every day.

If you are not a fan of warm water, then try to intake other warm liquids like chicken broth for example. It has a similar soothing effect on your throat as well.

Onion Juice

Onion juice is one of the most popular and effective folk remedies for laryngitis. Mix 2 teaspoons of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey and drink it every three hours.

If you are not sure how to extract onion juice, just press a half-cut onion with a couple of plates, and collect the juice that runs out.

Honey, lemon, and cayenne pepper

If onion juice is not to your liking, then you can try a remedy that involves lemon juice.

Mix a tablespoon of honey to some lemon juice, and spice it up a bit with a pinch of cayenne pepper and drink this mixture multiple times a day.

Inhale steam

Inhaling steam will help to restore the lost moisture in your vocal cords, and help to speed up the healing process.

Fill a bowl with hot boiling water, drape a towel over your head, forming a tent around the bowl. Breath in the steam as deeply as possible and breath out. Repeat the breathing pattern for five minutes.

Do this at least three to four times a day to find much-needed relief.

You can make this process more powerful by adding a few drops of lavender oil, or sandalwood oil, or chamomile oil to the hot water.

Breath through your nose

Breathing through your mouth should be avoided at all cost, as it exposes your vocal cords to dry and cold air which can slow down the healing.

Always make sure to breathe through your nose. Your nose a natural humidifier and nose breathing ensure your larynx stays moist.

Chew gums or use lozenges

The air inside the flight cabin and air-conditioned room are extremely dry, and it can quickly dry out your vocal cords.

If you are a frequent flyer or someone who spends a lot of time inside an air-conditioned room, then try to chew gums or suck on lozenges to prevent the vocal cords from getting dry.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the major contributors for hoarseness to your voice and laryngitis. If you frequently smoke cigarettes, try to quit it and avoid exposing yourself to places where passive smoking is unavoidable like smoky bars, clubs, and certain restaurants.

Check your medication

Sometimes hoarseness in your voice can also be caused due to certain medications or drugs you might be taking regularly.

Certain drugs that are used to control blood pressure, thyroid problems and allergies can dry out your mouth.

If you frequently experience hoarseness in your voice, then check your medications with your doctor and make sure it is not due to the drug you are taking regularly.

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