Bursitis and Tendinitis: Best Home Remedies and How to Prevent it

Bursitis and Tendinitis are an indication that you have abused your joints despite the warning signs your body gave you in advance. You need to work hard in order to achieve your ambitions in sports or workout harder when you want to lose weight fast, but there is a difference between working hard and abuse. Bursitis and Tendinitis heal better when you give your joints the rest it was denied earlier. Additionally, you need to work your way by reducing inflammation that giving you the soreness. With the right amount of rest and right treatment reduce your pain and soreness you can get back your lost motion in the joints.

Why does it happen?

Repetitive motion in the same joints can lead to bursitis or tendinitis. Tennis, badminton, for example, demands you to swing your arms repeatedly and more aggressively, these repetitive motions can trigger inflammation in either bursae (bursitis) or tendons (tendinitis) or both. Tendons are strong fibrous muscles that link muscles to bones. Bursae is a tiny sac filled with fluid that provides cushioning effect between the place where the muscles rub against bones. Bursitis usually gives out a mild pain and soreness. However, Tendinitis will trigger strong and sharp pain the joints completely restricting your movements. Hips, knees, ankles, elbows, and shoulders are usually zones for these conditions.

Rest is the Best Healer

When it comes to joints and any bone-related problem, resting is always the better healer. If any activity triggers a sharp pain in your joints, then it is better to take a break from the activity and let your joints heal completely before taking up the activity again. Joints usually take few weeks to heal.

To restrict movements in your joints wear an elastic bandage. It will help to bring down swelling and speed up the healing process. Keep your joints rested well when you are going to sleep. If it is your knees make use of some pillows below your knees to raise it above your heart level. If it is your elbow use a high armrest or use a low chair while resting your arm on the table in front.

Use cold and heat treatments to reduce pain

Inflamed joints can be quite painful. To reduce pain use some ice and rub it directly over the joints gently for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day. You can also wrap the ice in a towel or clean and use it to rub against the painful joints.

Cold treatment can be given for three to four days time, you can replace cold with little heat. Heat increases the blood circulation in the joints area and helps your joints to heal faster. Take a clean sock fill it up with some rice, make a knot in the opening so that the rice doesn’t spill out. Microwave it for 60 to 90 seconds. Use the warm rice sock from the microwave to warm up your joints. Do this three to four times a day.

Pain relievers to the rescue

Topical Pain Relievers

When to Seek Doctor’s Help?

Joint pains usually fade away after three to four days of proper rest, but if the pain starts to get severe and it comes in the way of your daily activities then it must be dealt with the guidance from a professional Doctor. Also seek Doctor’s help when your joints turn reddish, warm, and soft, accompanied with severe pain, as it can be due to a little serious condition called Septic bursitis which can spread from one joint to another.

Heal it inside out

Though topical applications, creams, gels, heat, and ice does help to get relief from pain and joint problems. You should also take care of your diet and ensure you take in certain supplements and herbs on a regular basis to bring down that painful inflammation in your joints.

Avoid deep fried foods and foods rich in bad fat content such as chips. These foodstuffs can trigger inflammation and make your condition worse.

Take a note of these points when you resume your normal activities

How to Prevent?

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