Can Poly Cystic Ovaries Cause Infertility in Women?

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is the leading cause of infertility, and the most frequent endocrine problem in women. Both these condition causes hormone imbalance.

Imbalance in hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and androgen leads to PCOD. It is not completely known why or how the changes in the hormone levels occur. however, these changes lead to improper ovulation resulting in the development of many immature eggs. In normal ovulation, one or more eggs get matured and are released during one menstrual cycle. In PCOD, eggs are not released from the ovaries and they form many small cysts. Women with this disorder often have a mother or sister who has symptoms similar to that of polycystic ovary syndrome. Therefore it is thought to have a genetic connection.


Symptoms tend to be mild at first. You may have only a few symptoms or many of them. The most common symptoms are:



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