Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Top 10 Best Home Remedies and Prevention

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not something that happens out of the blue. It happens gradually over a long period of time, sometimes years together. So getting relief from it takes time, patience, and right care from your end. You might need to stop giving your hands too much strain an start giving it enough rest it needs to start the healing process. With the right balance of work, exercise, supplements, and use of splints you can get your wrists back to normal action. However, you would be needed to continue with your strengthening exercise on a regular basis as a preventive measure.

What causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Your wrist consist of a narrow passageway called the carpal tunnel. There are nine tendons that run through this tunnel which makes your hand and finger motion possible. Along with the tendons, there is also a median nerve. When tendons get inflamed and swell due to any reason, it starts to press against the median nerve. The major reason for Carpal Tunnel is believed to be receptive hand motion. However, there are also other factors which include pregnancy, birth-control pills, arthritis, obesity etc…

Its symptoms include

Ways to reduce pain

You can also wear a splint during the daytime, especially if you are involved in a trade that demands a lot of hand action.

Supplements to Reduce Inflammation

One of the main reason for your painful wrists is inflammation and swelling related to it. You can change your food habits and take in certain supplements that have very good anti-inflammatory properties which are mentioned below. These supplements will help to reduce inflammation in your wrists and ensure a speedy recovery.

Excessive magnesium can lead to diarrhea if you have this problem then reduce your dosage.

When to Seek Doctor’s Help?

CTS in its initial stages are not severely painful, on most occasions, you can get over it with remedies mentioned above and with proper rest to your hands. But when you notice your condition is getting serious and the pain is interfering with your day to day activities, then its time to consult a Doctor. Additionally, some people have CTS in addition to other bodily problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hyper or hypothyroidism etc… if you feel little suspicious about the problem, then its better to get it tested properly with a Doctor’s directions.

Do you know?

Do you know that Carpal tunnel syndrome is not a new condition that broke into existence with advancements in technology and computers? Many musicians, carpenters, dairy farmers, and people who involve in a trade that demands a lot of hand motion get affected by this condition. So if you think that keyboard in front your computer is the culprit, you are wrong. You can get CTS even by milking a cow or by writing a novel (with your pen).

Precautions while using a Keyboard

Though working with keyboards on a computer is not the sole reason for CTS, it is one the major reason for its occurrence in recent years. Additionally, it is one of the main reason why people suffering from this condition is on the rise. So next time you happen to work with a keyboard in front of you, ensure the following precautions are taken into account.

Check out the video for exercises specifically designed for CTS

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