Defeat Alzheimer’s Completely Using These 3 Simple Strategies

Memory loss is one of the biggest problems that is hitting most people who are over 40 years in this century. Ask anyone who is 40 years of age on what they fear the most in the days to come. Most probably their answer will be on memory loss or possible occurrence of Alzheimer’s or Dementia along with losing their money and prosperity which they worked hard to build up.

You might have at least one person in your family or friends circle who is a victim of Alzheimer’s. This disease is becoming so widespread in the western world, that it is putting the whole health care system in the United States at risk of running out of funds to support these people. In 2014 the overall cost of treating Alzheimer’s in the US was $214 billion, a major portion of that money went to nursing homes, and home care. And the trend is only exponentially surging every year. It is estimated to reach $1.5 trillion by the year 2050.

Just the thought of having Alzheimer’s enough to send that chilling feel along your spine. It is almost equal to experiencing your destruction and death while you are still alive. Many caretakers and family members of a person who is affected by Alzheimer’s claim that it is almost equal to they are not there at all. Most of these people cannot relate to them in any way. That’s a really pitiable condition indeed.

Ray of Hope from Emerging Research

With more scientists and researchers at work, there is a growing ray of hope that we might just be able to defeat Alzheimer’s and memory loss problem in the near future. Researchers believe all we have to do is take good care of our brain health through simple strategies. Doing so, we can effectively prevent memory loss, brain degeneration, and even Alzheimer’s.

Vital link between Heart, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s

Masley the author of a popular booked “The 30 Day Heart Tune-Up” claim that there is a direct link between heart’s health, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, as the risk factors of these conditions overlap with one another.

Many studies have revealed that older people with hypertension, which is a major contributing factor for many heart conditions increase their chances for Alzheimer’s by nearly 300 percent. So are the people with Diabetes. That only includes for people who are not using insulin. People with diabetes who depend on insulin to keep blood sugar levels under control increase their chances for Dementia or Alzheimer’s by a whopping 400 percent. That risk level is almost equal to a person developing the disease with so-called Alzheimer’s gene, ApoE4.

Strategy 1: Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

Masley claims, increase in blood sugar directly impacts your memory in a negative way. Popular Integrative neurologist, David Perlmutter, MD, also agrees to the fact that there is a strong relationship between poor blood sugar control and Alzheimer’s. The link is so strong that many researchers have now started to claim Alzheimer’s as Type-3 diabetes.

Most of the type 2 diabetes patients have to go through what is called Insulin Resistance. Looks like most Alzheimer patients go through the same condition. So what is this insulin resistance?

The food you eat will get broken down into fatty acids, amino acids, sugar (glucose). These components travel to your gut and once it comes out of it, they reach your bloodstream. This leads to increase in your blood sugar level, especially when you intake foods that are rich in carbs. The pancreas secretes insulin to transfer this sugar or glucose in your blood into muscles, which provides your muscles with much-needed energy.

When your meal with loaded with carbs, your pancreas has to work hard to secrete more insulin in order to meet the need. Additionally, your muscles need only so much sugar, again if you are not exercising or involved in a job that doesn’t demand a lot of physical work, then your muscles need very little glucose. So, your muscles will restrict the entry of insulin and sugar into it. So the insulin takes a different route and gets stored in the fat cells. However, fat cells have its own limitation as well, they will stop the insulin entry eventually as well. This pitiable state where your own body muscles and fat cells restricting insulin entry is what we call as insulin resistance. So much of the glucose and sugar content gets stranded in your blood.

High blood glucose and high blood insulin is a perfect recipe for heart diseases. And it looks like it affects your brain as well. So the result? nearly 60 percent of type 2 diabetes patients elevate their chances of having Alzheimer’s. Your brain cells need insulin and sugar just like any of there cells in your body. When your brain cells start to restrict them, they will become deprived of the energy it needs and end up dead. And that’s how memory, dementia, and Alzheimer’s start to develop.

This is one of the main reasons why researcher claims Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes.

Another reason for Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be the beta-amyloid plaque in the brain. Whether beta-amyloid plaque leads to Alzheimer’s or it results from the disease is debatable, but we know for a fact that it is present in Alzheimer’s brain. The enzyme needed for breaking down beta-amyloid plaque and insulin is one and the same. However, when your brain cells are loaded with insulin, most of this enzyme gets focused on insulin, leaving most part of beta-amyloid-plaque intact.

Maintain a healthy blood sugar level at all times, especially if you are over 40 years and also try to maintain a  healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. If you are not diabetic yet, try to keep it that way as much as possible.

Strategy 2: Healthy diet and lifestyle

Now that we are more or less convinced that causative factors for both diabetes and Alzheimer’s are one and the same. So the changes to your lifestyle and diet that keeps diabetes under control should also work to reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s.

Have a healthy diet that keeps your blood sugar level in check, play games that train your brain cells like puzzles, riddles, etc.. if you are running short of certain nutrients take proper supplements to make up for it, and always maintain a healthy sleeping habit.

Strategy 3: Maintain a healthy brain and avoid stress

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