Earwax: Best Home Remedies and How to Prevent it

When you start to hear your own voice resonating in your ears, it is a sure sign you are having an excessive build-up of earwax. It can get little disturbing when one side of your ear works just perfectly while the other side is resonating your own voice. Every time you try to get relief from the problem by applying little pressure, you just realize it is not helping in any way. Earwax removal is a two-step process. First, you need to loosen up the wax a bit, followed by an ear wash to flush out the earwax.

Why do you have earwax?

Earwax is as important as you might hate it. Medically it is termed as cerumen. Your ears need earwax to keep the dirt, and small insects from reaching the middle part of your ear, which is very sensitive. However, when there is an excessive secretion of earwax, in the process of clearing out the wax build up, you might end up pushing it further inside. Sometimes, the cerumen can harden in the deeper part of your ear. This leads to earaches, hearing loss, vertigo, ringing sounds etc..

Loosen it up using traditional method

When you have excessive earwax buildup do not try to remove it using earbuds, you might end up pushing it deeper. The first step of the process is to loosen and soften up the wax as much as possible. You can do this using a simple trick. Massage the area just behind your earlobe gently for 3 to 5 minutes. After massaging pull your earlobe while opening and closing your mouth rapidly.

Rinse it out

Dry out your ears

Once you are done with cleaning up the wax out of your ears. Make use of a hairdryer, while maintaining a distance of at least 10 to 12 inches from your ears, direct the warm air inside your ear and let it dry up. Make sure to use the coolest setting.

When to Seek Doctor’s Help?

Earwax is a common and normal problem. If your problem doesn’t ease up after trying out the above mentioned simple home remedies, and its lasting for more than a week, then get it treated by a Doctor. You would need to consult your Doctor if you experience itching, swelling, pain, ear discharge, ringing sound in your ears, vertigo, and dizziness. These are strong symptoms of a serious ear infection. Additionally, if you have any of these symptoms do not try out any home remedies or pour any oil or hydrogen peroxide in your ears without consulting your Doctor.

How to Prevent

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