Eye Irritation: Best Home Remedies and How to Prevent it

If something gets into your eyes, it is going to let you know about it. A little speck of dust is enough to make your eyes feel all irritated and full of tears. Sometimes a hard dust particle can make your eyes feel that it is being cut with a blade every time you try to blink, which makes it really hard to focus on anything else. Fortunately, there are simple home remedies through which you can fight your eye irritation.

Why do you have eye irritation?

When you make your living in a very polluted environment with dust floating around everywhere you turn, it is not uncommon for your eyes catching up some specks of dust particles. Whenever it happens, your eyes’ natural protection mechanism kicks in, which makes your eye filled with tears in no time. Without tears, your eyes will feel much more irritating and red. Not every one of us product same level of tears, old people, in general, produce way little tears than younger people. This is one of the main reasons why older people become often become victims of eye irritation. Apart from specks of dust, you can also get irritation in your eyes due to allergies, smoke from cigarettes, and dry air, which can make your eyes feel itchy.

Wash out the dust particles

Watch your contact lens

If you are are using contacts, your eye irritation could be due to a speck of dust that has crept into it. Try to remove the contacts and wash it thoroughly like you always do, and examine closely if there is any dust sticking on to it. If you spot a dust, then wash it again thoroughly before putting it back on.

Soothe your itchy eyes

When to Seek Doctor’s Help?

You can make efforts to remove a speck of dust present in the white part of the eyeballs yourself, but if it gets near or on to your pupil, you would need Doctor’s help to remove it safely without hurting your eyes. Your Doctor might send you to the emergency room to start the extraction procedure. You would need Doctor’s attention if you continue to feel irritation and itching sensation even after removing a foreign body from your eyeballs. Sometimes, you might need eye drops to prevent infection.

Keep your eyes moist

How to Prevent?

Avoid this

There are eye drops that will remove the redness from your eyes. Though they can come little handy at times, in the long run, it can be quite damaging. They work by constricting your blood vessels, this will reduce the level of tears your eyes naturally produce and make it feel dry and raw. You can make use of artificial tears instead.

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