Muscle Cramps: Causes, Remedies, and Ways to Prevent it Completely

Most of us would have had the experience of a sudden cramp in the calf halfway through sound sleep at night. Sometimes these cramps can get really painful, that it takes a while for your cramped muscles to feel normal again. Warm-up before a workout, drink plenty of water and try out some simple home remedies mentioned below to combat the painful cramps.

Why do you have muscle cramps?

Your muscles are made up of muscle fibers. These fibers are elastic in nature, so they can contract and expand based on your movement. Cramps happen when these muscle fibers contracts all of sudden unexpectedly. This sudden contraction usually happens as a result of stress or a chemical imbalance in your muscles. Sometimes it can also be triggered by certain drugs muscle cramps are very common among sportsmen, athletes, and older people. It is usually very harmless apart from the pain it triggers at the moment of its occurrence.

What are some common causes of muscle cramps

Peripheral Neuropathy

Muscle cramps can also be induced by damage to your peripheral nerves. If you do not know about peripheral nerves, it is a network of 43 pairs of nerves that connects your brain and spinal cord. These nerves are attached to almost all the parts of your body. On rare occasions some of these nerves can get damaged due to various reasons, this disrupts the communication between the brain and the organ that is connected to the affected nerve. This leads to numbness, cramp, and weakness. We call this condition as peripheral neuropathy. Some of the common triggers of this condition include diabetes, thyroid problems, autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis.

How to Prevent it?

When to seek Doctor’s Help?

Often times muscles cramps have no real reason for its occurrence. However, if you have it more frequently then it is better to consult a Doctor. Your doctor might advise for certain tests to single out the real reason behind your frequent cramps.

The link between Potassium and Cramps

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