7 Real Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Everyday

Lemon water articles are almost everywhere on the internet.

The information on lemon water is so widespread that many restaurants started serving the same to its customers in place of water.

Many people claim that they are feeling much better than before just by drinking a glass of lemon water every morning. Some people replace it in place of coffee or tea.

Though there are many promising claims made with lemon water, most of these claims are just anecdotal or do not have much scientific backing. That doesn’t mean to say it has zero benefits. There are many studies that are done on water and lemon separately that bring forth the benefits of two.

Relying on evidence-based research, these are some of the benefits of drinking lemon water regularly.

Avoids dehydration

Health experts recommend drinking at least 100 to 120 ounces of fluids every day. This includes water and through drinks or other food sources.

While water is the best beverage there is, its blunt taste is not a favorite part of many. Adding a bit of lemon extract to your water makes it more desirable and might make you drink more. This ensures you are properly hydrated.

Good Source of Vitamin-C

Lemon is a good source of Vitamin-C, an antioxidant that greatly helps to reduce oxidative stress and free radical damage in your body.

There are also claims that drinking a glass of lemon water every day during winter and cold weather days prevents the common cold.

Some studies show that Vitamin-C in our body reduces the risk of heart diseases, stroke, and helps to regulate blood pressure.

Although lemons are a good source of Vitamin-C, it is not the best source of it. There are other citrus fruits that have a higher concentration of the same nutrient.

May Aid Weight Loss

A research study showed that lemon water inhibits weight gain in mice that are overfed purposely to induce obesity.

It is believed that the presence of polyphenol antioxidants in lemon water somehow restricts the weight gain in mice.

Although there are no studies to back the claim that it helps with weight loss in humans, the preliminary pieces of evidence strongly points out to its effectiveness when it comes to weight loss.

Improves skin health

It might sound controversial to claim that drinking fluids will improve your skin health. But dehydration is a major reason for dry skin and early onset of wrinkles.

A lab-based study done in 2016 showed that lemon based drink effectively prevented the development of wrinkles in mice.

Researchers believe the presence of Vitamin-C in lemon could be the reason behind its skin-related benefits.

Improves Digestion

Many people drink lemon water the first thing in the morning. They believe it works as a morning laxative and helps to free themselves.

Researchers believe drinking warm lemon water in the morning somehow helps to get the digestive system moving and helps to clean out the gut and reduce toxins.

Fights bad breath

Everyone loves the smell of fresh lemons. Its strong smell is used in many cosmetics, soaps, and even detergents.

If you have bad breath drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning and after every meal will effectively inhibit it. Lemon stimulates salivary glands and prevents dry mouth which is the root cause of bad breath.

May prevent kidney stones

Some scientists believe that drinking lemon water might prevent kidney stones and it may even help to get rid of smaller stones. The reason behind this belief is the presence of citrate in lemon. Citrate will make your urine less acidic and may help to break down small stones, making it easier for your bladder to flush out the stones.

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