What are the signs of Alzheimer and How to Prevent It?

Though you go through many activities and incidents on a daily basis, there are only certain instances that are stored in memory by your brain. We call these stored instances as memories or thoughts. Forgetting these memories is what is called as memory loss. Occasional forgetfulness is not a problem. It is quite natural to forget things. But when you frequently lose your memories, it is a disease. We call this condition as Alzheimer.

What is the reason for this disease? What is the solution?

Alzheimer is a memory loss disease. When the functioning of the brain gradually starts to diminish, it leads to memory loss. Your body cells will remain healthy while you are young. But as you age, it starts to get weak. In the same way, the wrinkles(crevices) in the brain will gradually start to reduce in number as we age. This leads to increase in brain foldings. Due to this, recalling capacity of the brain will gradually start to decrease.

Alzheimer’s mainly affects people who are older than 55 years of age.

Our brain stores the memories in two different ways. Short term memories and long-term memories. For example, list of groceries you want to purchase for a particular day, directions to reach your friend’s home for the first time etc… are usually stored in your brain as short-term memories. These short-term memories could sometimes be stored as long-term memories. But as we age the brain’s capacity to register new memories reduces. This leads to memory loss problems. It is one of the primary problems with Alzheimer disease.

What are the signs?

Bodily changes that can happen due to Alzheimer

Activities of Alzheimer patients

How to control Alzheimer?

How to Prevent?

What is the cure?

There is no permanent cure for Alzheimer disease. But we can reduce the impacts of this disease to a certain degree with Doctor’s directions, and by finding solutions to the problems that result from the disease.

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