This Green Parsley Drink Will Flush Out Your Bad cholesterol

Parsley is well known for its unique flavor and smell that blends really well with many recipes.

It is an active ingredient in many of the folk remedies and well known for its disease-fighting properties.

It is commonly used to treat allergies, high blood pressure, and inflammatory conditions.

It is good for people with heart conditions as it helps to reduce high blood pressure and contains high amounts of B-vitamin folate, which helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Folate benefits the heart’s health by lowering the levels of amino acid homocysteine.

Studies have shown that high levels of homocysteine is directly related to the increase in the risk of heart disease.

By consuming high levels of folate you can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, angina, and stroke.

Lemon and baking soda

Another couple of active ingredients in this drink is lemon and baking soda. The combination of lemon extract and baking soda has been used as a remedy for many ailments.

Research studies have shown that a mixture of baking soda and lemon extract mixed with water can effectively increase the levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the blood.

High levels of HDL is linked to a reduced risk of heart diseases.

This mixture is also found to be useful in improving metabolism and energy levels in people who workout on a regular basis.

Although weight loss due to this drink is a secondary effect, it can still be helpful in achieving your weight loss goals in the long run.

Without further ado, let us look into the recipe.


How to prepare

  1. Place the well-washed lemon into a bowl of warm water and add 2 tsp of baking soda to it (make sure the baking soda is dissolved completely)
  2. Let the lemons steep in baking soda solution for around 60 to 90 minutes.
  3. In the meantime wash the parsley leaves and chop it down into small pieces.
  4. Once the lemons have steeped enough, take it out and chop it down into small pieces with its peel intact.
  5. Now add both parsley leaves and chopped lemons in a container filled with 1.5 liters of water and boil it in medium flame until half of the water has evaporated.
  6. Cooldown the resulting mixture and strain out the leaves and lemon pieces.
  7. Store the strained out water in a glass jar or bottle and refrigerate it.
  8. Drink 50 ml of this water every morning on an empty stomach and wait for around 30 minutes before consuming any food.

This powerful drink, when consumed regularly, will protect your heart by reducing bad cholesterol levels and homocysteine.

Combine this drink with good exercise and healthy diet to amplify its effects.

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