Top 09 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Underarm Odor

A hot and tiresome day under the sun will make you sweat a lot and more so in your underarm area.

The sweat in your underarms not only make your clothes wet, but it can also cause bad door which is a major turn off.

Although deodorants can help a bit to get over it to an extent, it is obviously not the permanent solution to the problem.

If you are looking for a permanent or long-term solution to your problem you need to look out for the natural alternatives, and in this article, we are just going to cover the same.

Why do you have underarm odor?

Your body has a type of sweat-producing glands called apocrine glands, which are present in your genital area, nipples, armpits, breasts, and ears.

While these glands produce milk in breasts, and earwax in your ear, they produce sweat in your genital area, armpits, and nipples.

The protein found in the sweat released by these glands is broken down by bacterias resulting in bad odor.

A foul-smelling underarm could also be a symptom of bodily disorders such as diabetes, phenylketonuria, and hyperhidrosis.

No matter whatever the reason for your underarm odor try these simple and natural remedies to get rid of it.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic which helps to dislodge the bacterias causing bad odor in your underarms.

How to use it

Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and dab it on your underarms before going to sleep at night. Leave it overnight and take a bath in the morning washing off your underarms.

Do this every night for best results.

Iodine solution

Iodine solution sterilizes and cleans your armpits. It helps to restore the natural pH balance of your underarms which helps to get rid of the odor-causing bacterias.

How to use it

Apply some iodine solution to both your underarms and scrub it gently using a soft brush for around 3 minutes before taking a shower every morning.

Do this once every day for best results.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has astringent and antibacterial properties, both of which will help to combat bad odor in your underarms. It works by narrowing down the skin pores and also inhibiting the growth of odor-causing bacterias.

How to use it

Make a deodorizing solution using two drops of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of water.

Apply this mixture to your underarms using a cotton ball and use it as a substitute for deodorant every morning or whenever you need.

Witch hazel solution

Witch hazel solution is a natural antiperspirant. It works by lowering the pH levels of your underarms which helps to remove the odor causing bacterias.

How to use it

Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel solution and apply it directly to your underarms and other odor prone areas.

Do this every morning and evening to keep the bad odor at bay.

Baking soda

Baking soda has an alkalizing effect on your skin which neutralizes the acidic environment of the bacterias and helps to inhibit its growth. Additionally, it helps to fight bad odor by keeping the skin dry and sweat-free.

How to use it

Make a deodorizing solution out of one tablespoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of freshly extracted lemon juice.

Apply the resulting mixture directly to your underarms and leave it on for two to three minutes before taking a shower.

Do this every morning for the best results.


Lemon not only has a pleasant odor but also has antibacterial properties which help to dislodge bad odor and odor-causing bacterias.

How to use it

Cut the lemon in half and rub it directly over your underarms. Let the juice dry out before rinsing the underarms with water.

If you have sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with water and apply it to your underarms.

Do this at least once or twice every day to notice results.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help to kill odor-causing bacterias.

How to use it

Mix one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide solution to one cup of water.

Soak a cotton pad into this mixture and wipe the underarms using it.

Do this whenever you sense smelly underarms.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has a pleasant odor and antimicrobial properties that help to curb bacterias causing bad odor.

How to use it

Take some coconut oil in your fingertips and apply it to your dry underarms at night or 30 minutes before taking a shower.

Do this every night or every morning preferably before taking a shower.


It might sound strange but eating one or two garlic cloves every day will help to keep the body odor at bay. Garlic contains chemical compounds that are powerful antibacterial agents which help to quell the odor-causing bacterias.

How to use it

Chew one or two raw garlic cloves every day. If you find it too strong then try adding minced garlic to your foods.

You can also consider garlic supplements. However, raw garlic is more powerful in fighting bad odor.

Do this every day to notice results.

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