Drumstick stick leaves are a rich source of Vitamins. When you include drumstick leaves, drumstick, drumstick flower regularly in your diet in various forms, it will strengthen the bones and teeth. Additionally, it cures many eye related problems. But not just that, it regulates and reduces the sugar levels in our body thereby controls diabetes and prevents deposition of bad cholesterol.
Indigestion in Babies
When new mothers consume hard to digest foods and foods that trigger gas formation, it can directly impact their babies health who feed onto their breast milk. This will reduce the quality of the breast milk and the baby will have difficulties in digesting this milk. It can lead to digestion problems in both mother and the baby.
We can easily cure this problem using drumstick leaves. Make drumstick leaves extract out of a handful of fresh leaves, filter this extract, add equal levels of rock salt to this extract and dissolve it. To this mixture add a little warm water and feed a little portion of this liquid to the baby. This will effectively cure the baby’s digestion problem.
Urinary Infection
Urinary infection is a common problem for both adults and children. To cure the urinary infection, make a paste out of drumstick leaves, cucumber seeds, and some warm water. Apply this paste over the navel region and let it rest there for 20 to 30 minutes. This will give immediate relief from urinary incontinence.
People suffering from Constipation can cook little drumstick leaves separately or add it as an ingredient along with other recipes and have it for lunch. This will ease the poop expulsion the very next day. You can also make a soup out of drumstick leaves and achieve the similar effect.
Including drumstick leaves in your diet once a week will ensure you do not experience constipation problems ever again.
Infertility Problems
People who are suffering from infertility and sexual problems should regularly include drumstick leaves in their diet. They can also add some pieces of the tender drumstick to a glass of milk boil it and consume it before sleep to cure infertility. Boiling a glass of milk along with a little drumstick flower will also cure infertility and improve the sexual mileage.
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