Top 5 Tips to Take care of Your Oily Skin

People with oily skin type usually feel bad about their skin. This is because the skin that looks oily most of the times is less attractive to look at. This type of skin has more open pores, and it has a very active sebaceous gland that keeps secreting sebum in a generous amount. Excessive oil secretion leads to the formation of pimples and blackheads. This is the primary reason why oily skin people are more vulnerable to acne, pimples, and blemishes. Brushing aside all the negative aspects of a oily skin, it is the skin type that stays and looks young for more years over other skin types. That is something to cheer about.

Acne Alert

The appearance of acne and pimples can be really discouraging for people who have just reached their adolescence. Acne usually runs in the family. So, if your mother or father had it, then you are most likely to have it as well. This problem usually occurs when your skin starts to produce more sebum. And excessive production of sebum is usually triggered by stress, depression, anxiety, and poor diet. Never try to pluck, squeeze or pinch a pimple. Doing so can make the infection spread to other areas of your skin and it can lead to permanent scarring. Initially, you can try over the counter blemish treatments to keep it under control. Many skin doctors highly recommend products that contain tea tree oil or benzoyl peroxide, as they are proven to be more effective. If none of the products are helping you in a big way, then a dermatologist can help you better to combat the problem.

Special care for oily skin

The first thing you need to keep in mind while taking care of an oily skin is, never treat it very aggressively. It can be really frustrating and irritating to notice a fresh outbreak of a pimple, however dealing with it in a rigorous fashion is not going to fetch desired results. Over-enthusiastic cleansing treatments can make your skin to produce more oil, and they can make the outer layers (epidermis) of your skin to look dry and lifeless. Which is not want you really need.

The best way to care for an oily skin is by using a right range of products to cleanse away the excess oils from the outer layers and unclog the pores from specks of dirt without damaging or draining it of its natural moisture content. Remember, the visible layer of your skin actually needs water, not oil for it to stay soft and supple.

1 Watch out for the skin around your eyes

Whenever you are trying to clear out eye makeup, try to be more gentle in these areas. The skin around your eyes is more delicate and thin, and people with oily skin tend to get little aggressive while removing the makeup. This should not be done. Try to be more gentle, make use of a cotton pad with non-oily remover and hold it over your eyes for few seconds. This will dissolve the makeup. After a few seconds, you can gently wipe it away from your eyelashes and eyelids.

2 Make use of foaming facial wash

Ordinary soaps can drain out your natural oil content to the level where it makes your skin look dry and lifeless. You might hate your skin when it is oily, but you do not want it to be too dry as well. You need to make use of a gentle foaming facial wash. It will gently remove the grime, dirt, and excessive oil. Lather some face wash on your wet skin surface and gently massage it with your fingertips in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for a couple of minutes, then rinse it away using a generous amount of fresh water. Make use of cold or lukewarm water. Hot water has more drying effect on your skin, so it should be avoided.

3 Refresh with Astringent lotion

After you are done with washing your skin with a generous amount of water. Dry it out with a clean towel. After the drying process, soak a cotton ball in an astringent solution and brush it over your skin surface. Astringent contains alcohol so it is mildly drying and gives your skin the refreshed the feel. If you feel your astringent is stingy or irritating, then try to replace it with a milder one.

4 Use a moisturizer

Just because you have an oily skin, doesn’t mean you do not need a moisturizer. The job of a moisturizer is to lock in the natural moisture content in the top layers of your skin and make it appear soft and supple. Choose a product that is mild and watery. Heavy formulations are not suitable for oily skin type, so stay away from those.

5 Use a tissue to absorb excess moisture

After applying the moisturizer, let it settle and sink into your skin for five to ten minutes. After this time period, you can make use of a clean tissue and gently press over your skin surface to absorb the excess moisture and oil content. This will make your skin to look more attractive and prevent that oily complexion you hate the most.

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