Top 6 Home Remedies to Treat Premature Grey Hair

Premature grey hairs have become quite a common phenomenon now. Many kids who are younger than 10 years old have premature grey hair. It has turned into a common worry for many parents to notice their kids with grey hairs. Hair coloring is an easy way to cover up this problem temporarily. But it is an expensive option.

If a person has grey hairs before 35 years of age, then it is considered as premature greying. Even kids who are as young as 8 years can have grey hairs.

Reasons for Grey Hair

Best Home Remedies for Premature Grey Hairs

Treating and curing great hairs take time. First, we have to find out the real reason behind grey hairs. This process takes time.

To increase the blood circulation in the head region, we can make use of a hot towel and cover your head with it. Alternatively, we can make use of an electrical vibrator.

Take equal quantities of turmeric powder, gooseberry powder, and neem leaves powder. Mix them all in a glass of water and drink it every day to reduce grey hairs.

Heat a little coconut oil with false daisy leaves. Apply it to your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with mild shampoo every alternate day to cure grey hair.

Aloe vera is the best medicine to strengthen the hair roots. Take a little Aloe vera gel and beat it with a little egg white. Apply this over the scalp region. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with warm or cold water without using shampoo or soap. Do this 2 to 3 times a week to cure premature greying. Additionally, it will also cure any infections in the scalp region.

Take a handful of Tulsi leaves, boil it in a cup of water. Filter out the water and apply this water over the scalp region while its warm.

Take a handful of henna leaves, 50 ml of coconut oil, and 25ml of water. Mix them all together in a cup and heat it gently. Filter out this oil and apply this oil on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before washing the hair with mild shampoo. Do this regularly for 2 to 3 times a week to notice visible results in few months time.

Regular Head Massage can Benefit Your Hair and Prevent Premature Greying

Further Reading:

  1. 10 Super Easy Ways to Maintain a Healthy Hair
  2. Top 8 Factors that Influence your Hair Health
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