Top 7 Best Grandma Remedies for Acne and Pimples

The prime target of Acne and Pimples are teenagers and adolescents. These age group people usually tend to be more self-conscious about their appearance and looks. Just a single instance of a pimple or acne is enough to bring their confidence level to ground zero. Pimples are not a serious problem, however, it can get quite irritating when it starts to ruin your appearance.

If you are dealing with acne or pimples, you need to remember two things, patience and time. Though there may be many posts online that promises an almost instant cure for pimples, we know for a fact that they hardly work. So be calm and try out these simple remedies that have been around for a long time and have been proved to work.

1 Wash Your Face

One of the basic things you need to do while dealing with pimples is washing your face at least two to three times a day. Dirt in your face is not directly responsible for pimples, but they can get stuck in your pores that need to be open all the time for your skin to breath. Your skin contains oil-secreting glands called sebaceous glands. This gland secretes an oily substance called sebum, which prevents the dust particles from entering the innermost layers of the skin. People belonging to adolescent age usually have very active sebaceous glands that secrete high levels of sebum. Sebum can get mixed with dirt particles which can lead to infection and inflammation resulting in acne or pimple outbreak.

2 Soap and Warm Water

You no need to use any special face wash or special soaps to wash your face, just use any normal soap and use warm water to rinse the face. Do not use any harsh scrubs over your face when you have pimples or acne. This will lead to skin irritation.

3 Look for Benzoyl peroxide

Look for the lotions, gels or creams that contain benzoyl peroxide in over the counter solutions to combat the problem. This compound is time-tested and proved to be more effective in controlling or arresting new pimple outbreaks. After every face washing session, apply this cream or gel around the pimples. You cannot do anything about the pimples that are already present, however, by applying it around the blemished areas, you will stop acne from spreading to other areas.

4 Avoid Oil Based Cosmetics

One of the major reason for a pimple or acne outbreak is due to the excessive secretion of sebum and dust particles. When you use oil-based or moisturizing cosmetics over it, you will be boosting the effects and increase the probability of new outbreaks. Try to opt for water-based cosmetics instead. But, even then try to use it as little as possible. Frequent clean shaves are not recommended for men with blemished skin, they can try to trim down their facial hair, but clean shaves should be avoided as much as possible.

5 Do not pick or Squeeze the pimples

It can get quite tempting to pick and squeeze a pimple from its roots, but it is a bad practice. Pimple is caused due to inflammation when you squeeze and pick an inflamed zone on your skin, it only increases the chances of further infection and your pimples will start to spread to other areas. Additionally, you will increase the chances for scarring which can lead a permanent mark on your skin.

6 Squeeze only these pimples

Though it is highly recommended not to squeeze or pinch your pimples, Doctors would advice squeeze some pimples, because it is just what needs to be done. So what are these pimples? If your pimple has a yellow head filled with pus then you can try to drain it off to fasten the healing process.

7 Ice it Down

If you see signs of a big pimple that is about to erupt just before a big day such as interview, meeting, or any important occasion, then you can slow down the eruption process by applying ice directly over the area for 5 minutes. Also, this will give enough time for your skin to heal itself out of the problem.

Myth or Fact?

Many people believe that eating chocolates will lead to pimples. This is not true. There is no scientific evidence to back this claim. However, if you are allergic to chocolates then it is better to stay away.

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