Curly hair when thick and bushy can become unmanageable, brittle and frizzy. A few timely tips can make it beautiful and gorgeous.
Hair has three layers and millions of cells, the topmost layer is the cuticle. When the cuticle layer is closely packed the hair looks smooth and glossy. The brittle look comes in when the cuticle layers are far apart and cannot lie flat due to bends and curves in the hair. As a result, hair feels coarse and frizzy.
A few tips to remove frizz from curly hair
- Always wash hair with cool or cold water as hot water will dry out hair and add to frizz.
- Don’t shampoo more than twice a week using shampoos which don’t lather much.
- Comb out hair or brush it while it is wet as dry hair will pouf up and become brittle.
- Always use a conditioner after a shampoo. when the hair looks extra unkempt – dilute some conditioner and apply it to the ends of hair. Comb hair with wet fingers.
- Sometimes chemically treated hair – perms, bleaches, dyes or straightening, robs hair of moisture which is very important. Hair loses its porosity due to loss of moisture and becomes dry and brittle causing split ends.
- Hot oil treatment is ineffective for this hair type as oil forms a coating and does not enter.
- Make it point to visit a hair salon once in three months, so that split ends can be trimmed.
Homemade hair masks
Mask One:
- Add 2 egg yolks to a cup of warm water
- Add 1 teaspoon of honey
- Add a few drops of any essential oil.
- Apply this mixture to hair and leave for an hour. Wash hair and pat dry. Do this after hair has been shampooed.
Mask Two:
- Take pulp of half an avocado
- 1 cup of mayonnaise
- Blend both together and apply on hair. Wear a shower cap. Leave this on hair for 1/2 hour before washing.