Understanding the Basic Structure of Your Skin

Do you know that skin is the largest organ on your body? It protects the entire surface of your body. The real secret to a proper skin care starts with understanding the basic structure and working of your skin. Through proper care, you can keep your skin looking supple, soft and strong. Your skin is made up of two main layers, epidermis and dermis.

Understanding Epidermis

The epidermis is the topmost layer of your skin. In other words, it is the visible part of the skin. It is this layer that protects the inner skin layers from dust, infection, and sunlight. Additionally, it seals in the moisture content. This layer consists of many layers of living cells at its bottom which are covered by a sheet of dead cells at the top. Bottom layers constantly produce new cells to replace the dead ones. The new cells keep pushing the dead ones to the top and they eventually flake away.

The lower level cells have constant supply of blood. However, the top layer cells only need moisture (water) to make it look soft and supple.

The color or complexion of your skin is determined by your epidermis. It is the one which holds the melanin pigments. The thickness of this layer varies from area to area. For instance, it is much thicker on the soles of your feet, whereas, it is very thin on your eyelids.

Dermis layer

At the bottom of the epidermis is the dermis layer of your skin. Unlike epidermis, all the cells present in this layer are living ones. Dermis layer also consists of elastic fibers, which can expand and contract, it is these fibers which gives your skin its elasticity, strength, firmness. This layer is connected to many blood vessels, which feeds the cells with all the necessary nutrients it needs.

In case of any damage or injury, the epidermis layer of your skin will be able to more effectively repair and heal itself. On the contrary, damage to the dermis layer is usually permanent. Dermis layers hold some specialized organs as well.

Sebaceous glands: These glands are attached to your hair roots and they produce an oily substance called sebum, which is the natural lubricant for your skin. Sebaceous glands are more concentrated on your scalp and certain areas of your face (nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead). This is why these areas usually appear to be more oily.

Your skin’s health is determined by your overall health, both mental and physical. Stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and poor nutrition will have a huge impact on your skin’s appearance.

Sweat glands: Your body has millions of sweat glands spread all over. The main function of the sweat glands is to maintain the body’s temperature. Whenever your body’s temperature rises, these sweat glands produce sweat, and it evaporates on your skin surface, the temperature of your skin is regulated.

Hairs: It grows out of the hair follicles. Our body is covered with hair, however, its concentration and density differ in different areas, your soles and palms have no hairs on them. The main role of hairs is to keep your body warm by trapping the air underneath them.

Main Functions of your skin

Some interesting facts

Determine your skin type

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