Writer’s Cramp, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Just a decade ago many people had the practice of writing in Pen and Pencil. Legibility of handwriting played a very major role during those times. But things have changed now, many of us use keyboards. Keyboards have most effectively replaced our pens and pencils. But many people do have the practice of writing a rough draft using pen or pencil, before typing it out to a computer using the keyboard. When you make use of a computer keyboard without giving proper rest and relaxation your hand joints need, you might end up with a condition what is what known as Writer’s cramp.

Writer’s Cramp Problem

Pain, sprain in the Hands, finger, hand joints and shoulders is usually called as writer’s cramp.

How to Detect Writer’s cramp?

Commonly, this would cause pain while opening and closing palms. Whenever there is Writer’s cramp it will cause high levels of pain in the thumb. Pain in thumb usually confirms Writer’s cramp.

People who are affected by writer’s cramp won’t even be able to sign a paper, due to pain.


Writer’s Cramp usually happens when a person doesn’t give proper rest to his hands.

For Writers who do not hold their pen in the correct position. Some people have the habit of tightly holding on to their pen. Some keep it in slanted position while writing. Writing continuously for longer time duration without any proper rest can lead to writer’s cramp. This problem mainly affects people who write a lot, particularly, people between the age group of 30 to 50 years. It can also affect students who write a lot.

People who use typewriters and keyboards

Typing on a typewriter, using keyboards continuously will give more strain to fingers, so typing continuously on keyboard or typewriter without any proper rest can lead to this problem. Some keyboards will have hard keys. This will make the person who is using that keyboard to give more pressure on his fingers, this can make the fingers weak. People who are involved in typewriting, data entry, and similar jobs can have this problem as well.

People who play Musical Instruments

Veena, Guitar, keyboard players who use their instruments continuously can get pain and sprain in their fingers.

How to Fix Writer’s Cramp?

Exercises to prevent Pain and Sprain in hands

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